Waipuna Institute

Waipuna Institute is a skills acquisition initiative by Shalom Productions. It is designed to bridge the dire shortage of skills across a wide range of vocations.

The Waipuna Institute’s approach begins with building a sound theoretical foundation, and then proceeding to hands-on, project-based implementation, facilitated by seasoned professionals.

Computer literacy, as a way of readying participants for technological trends, is also at the heart of Waipuna Institute’s approach.

Talent Discovery

Featuring exciting prizes, Discovery Sessions are a fundamental part of Livingspring. Here, newer artistes have an opportunity to present their ministrations before a panel that assesses and provides feedback.

Livingspring stays in touch with outstanding Discovery Session talents to keep track of their journey and development through the years.

Student Scholarships

Targeted at present students of the Obafemi Awolowo University, the Livingspring Students’ Scholarship is a way of giving back to the student community which has historically formed the core of Livingspring’s workforce.

The scholarship is designed to help students who may be doing it tough.


P.A Systems

Shalom Productions is the foremost music recording studio in Osun State. Beyond the in-house studio facilities, Shalom Productions also:


Designs and installs permanent Public Address (P.A.) Systems for venues. This is often accompanied by skills-transfer / training programs to enable independent operation of those systems.


Provides a P.A. System leasing service.

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